Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sex on the Beach by Delphine Dryden


Hawaiian Vacation To-Do List:
  1. Bikini up! You're in Oahu, and it's time for fruit drinks with umbrellas in them!
  2. Being obsessively organized doesn't work during a Hawaiian vacation. Relax. Seriously.
  3. Scan the resort for hot dudes. Huh. That hot jogger who ran by looks a lot like your ex, Jeremy—only fitter, harder and sexier.
  4. Moonlit walks mean bumping into Hot Jogger Guy. Who is your ex.
  5. Don't panic. Instead, think with your libido! Also debate the merits of ex sex.
  6. Ignore the consequences. Go for it.
  7. Revel in the afterglow. Go for rounds two and three.
  8. Ooh, kayaking!
  9. Round four. Oops!
  10. Definitely do not think about why you broke up in the first place. Or that you're having wicked-hot nookie with the man you were here to forget


Four out of Five Stars!
This was a great summer read. I really enjoyed Jeremy and Amanda's story.
I thought that it was utterly romantic that after a year Jeremy was done waiting on his booty to do something, realizing how he felt about Amanda and decided to crash Amanda's Hawaiian vacation.

Amanda is sweet and ready to move on. It's been a year since her fiancée walked away from her, without trying to work out their issues, and had decided that her Hawaiian vacation was the time for her to find someone to help her with her dryspell from sex. She is completely thrown off by the fact that Jeremy shows up out of no where.

It was sweet story. I liked that Jeremy wasn't some pushy broody alpha, in this story he felt real. He was a little nerdy, but something about being with Amanda and having been away from her for a year, brings out primal instincts. I have to say that was hot to read.

I liked a part of the book where Amanda is talking to her girlfriend and is telling her that they were so good together that when they had a problem, they didn't know how to handle it.

Thankfully Jeremy's plan of a grand gesture semi-worked out. There are some moments were I laughed out loud, some moments I teared up. I seriously enjoyed this book.


Delphine Dryden's FB https://www.facebook.com/DelphineDryden

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