Monday, June 30, 2014

Pen Point by Angel Bales

So this weekend I won a copy of a book titled Pen Point by Angel Bales. I was  super excited because I had seen teasers of it through various blog pages on facebook and it had called my attention so much that I had added it to my Amazon wishlist. So I was super excited.... long story short I totally stayed up waaaaaaaay toooo late to read it and was soooo NOT disappointed about it. I FREAKING LOVE this book! 

Let me break it down for you:


Tambria is a beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman in her 30's. She's responsible, has a degree in accounting and avoids drama at all costs. So how does she deal when she finds her husband having playtime with a male co-worker? A cross-country move seems like the perfect plan.

Roxtown, Colorado has the perfect solution. Her best friend from college is there with an immediate job offer to join the family firm. Things just seem to be falling into place when Tambria is given an amazing opportunity to work with one of the wealthiest CEO's in the country. Not only is he wealthy, but he can melt panties right off your ass with just his presence.

Tambria refuses to join the flocks of women that fall all over themselves to catch Evan's attention. Yes, he can be distracting. Especially when he looks at her like he's ready to throw her up against the nearest wall and do things to her body that she's never experienced before. She's determined to stay focused on her career and adjusting to being a single woman again. Can she handle the job and keep her heart and underwear in tact

NOW tell me does that not call you?
Doesn't it make you think holy smokes what would I do in a situation like that? It totally did to me. I mean how much would that suck you walking in and your hubs getting it up the.... well you get the idea.

Now let me tell you that YES Evan Maxfeild is sexy and hot. He has a whole opposite Kent Clark thing going on. He's like sexy Kent Clark in suits and out of suits he's a bad boy tattoo sporting badass alpha with a superb heart of gold that doesn't play games.

He is wonderful BUT he was not my favorite part of this book... he was superb and yummy but not my #1 fav thig.

My #1 favorite thing about this book was Cammie and Bree. Their friendship with one another. It was real. It made me miss my best friend horribly. It made me want to pick up the phone at two am and call her. I didn't it was 2 am and we both have kids. I loved  seeing that sisterhood in tact. That even though her bestie grabbed the attention of a billionaire never at one moment was Cammie jealous or petty or dramatic... she is but its more for humor than anything. 

I also loved the realness of Bree and her situation. Her marriage dissolved, the way it did would give anyone a complex. Yes she fell apart slightly, but she also knew when it was time to stand on her own two feet and move forward. She also knew how to ask or lean on others for help. She decides to do this BEFORE an attraction to Evan too so its not like she is making a change in her life because of a man.


I loved Pen Point! FIVE stars!!!!

Angel Bales is a fantastic writer. I loved the connection between Tambria (female lead) and her best friend Cammie. It was positive and inspiring watching how Cammie helps Bree through her divorce with her own kind of humor.

Bree is recently divorced, picking up the pieces of her life with the help of her best friend from college, Cammie.

Evan Maxfeild is an incredibly handsome, sexy billionaire that Cammie and Bree end up having to workalong side with.

Evan and Bree's connection is visable from the start and if frightens Bree.
I enjoyed the humor, the witty banter between women. I liked that it showed that women could support one another with out petty drama and jealousy.
Really Enjoyed Pen Point, can't wait to read Angel Bales future books.

BUY LINKS: <=== For Amazon for my pretty kindle users <== for my lovely Nook users

Author Love Linkage:

Angel Bales:
GoodREads (become a fan!)

FaceBook (Go Give a Like)

Twitter (tweet her)

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