Monday, June 30, 2014

Pen Point by Angel Bales

So this weekend I won a copy of a book titled Pen Point by Angel Bales. I was  super excited because I had seen teasers of it through various blog pages on facebook and it had called my attention so much that I had added it to my Amazon wishlist. So I was super excited.... long story short I totally stayed up waaaaaaaay toooo late to read it and was soooo NOT disappointed about it. I FREAKING LOVE this book! 

Let me break it down for you:


Tambria is a beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman in her 30's. She's responsible, has a degree in accounting and avoids drama at all costs. So how does she deal when she finds her husband having playtime with a male co-worker? A cross-country move seems like the perfect plan.

Roxtown, Colorado has the perfect solution. Her best friend from college is there with an immediate job offer to join the family firm. Things just seem to be falling into place when Tambria is given an amazing opportunity to work with one of the wealthiest CEO's in the country. Not only is he wealthy, but he can melt panties right off your ass with just his presence.

Tambria refuses to join the flocks of women that fall all over themselves to catch Evan's attention. Yes, he can be distracting. Especially when he looks at her like he's ready to throw her up against the nearest wall and do things to her body that she's never experienced before. She's determined to stay focused on her career and adjusting to being a single woman again. Can she handle the job and keep her heart and underwear in tact

NOW tell me does that not call you?
Doesn't it make you think holy smokes what would I do in a situation like that? It totally did to me. I mean how much would that suck you walking in and your hubs getting it up the.... well you get the idea.

Now let me tell you that YES Evan Maxfeild is sexy and hot. He has a whole opposite Kent Clark thing going on. He's like sexy Kent Clark in suits and out of suits he's a bad boy tattoo sporting badass alpha with a superb heart of gold that doesn't play games.

He is wonderful BUT he was not my favorite part of this book... he was superb and yummy but not my #1 fav thig.

My #1 favorite thing about this book was Cammie and Bree. Their friendship with one another. It was real. It made me miss my best friend horribly. It made me want to pick up the phone at two am and call her. I didn't it was 2 am and we both have kids. I loved  seeing that sisterhood in tact. That even though her bestie grabbed the attention of a billionaire never at one moment was Cammie jealous or petty or dramatic... she is but its more for humor than anything. 

I also loved the realness of Bree and her situation. Her marriage dissolved, the way it did would give anyone a complex. Yes she fell apart slightly, but she also knew when it was time to stand on her own two feet and move forward. She also knew how to ask or lean on others for help. She decides to do this BEFORE an attraction to Evan too so its not like she is making a change in her life because of a man.


I loved Pen Point! FIVE stars!!!!

Angel Bales is a fantastic writer. I loved the connection between Tambria (female lead) and her best friend Cammie. It was positive and inspiring watching how Cammie helps Bree through her divorce with her own kind of humor.

Bree is recently divorced, picking up the pieces of her life with the help of her best friend from college, Cammie.

Evan Maxfeild is an incredibly handsome, sexy billionaire that Cammie and Bree end up having to workalong side with.

Evan and Bree's connection is visable from the start and if frightens Bree.
I enjoyed the humor, the witty banter between women. I liked that it showed that women could support one another with out petty drama and jealousy.
Really Enjoyed Pen Point, can't wait to read Angel Bales future books.

BUY LINKS: <=== For Amazon for my pretty kindle users <== for my lovely Nook users

Author Love Linkage:

Angel Bales:
GoodREads (become a fan!)

FaceBook (Go Give a Like)

Twitter (tweet her)

Friday, June 20, 2014

Iron Cross by Bianca Sommerland!!!!!!!

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Too many penalties may leave the goal vulnerable without the IRON CROSS.

After overcoming a potentially career-ending concussion, Tyler Vanek, Dartmouth Cobras’ first line forward, couldn’t be happier with his life. Until his boyhood hero-worship for Raif Zovko, a newly acquired player, develops into more. His mistress, ‘Chicklet’ encourages him to explore his feelings, and with her enjoyment of toying with the powerful Dom, Tyler figures it might be fun.

Laura Tallent, a dedicated officer with the Halifax PD, and Chicklet’s first sub, is tired of Tyler’s fun disrupting the structure of her world. Devotion to her mistress kept her silent for two years, but a horrible case and more proof that Tyler is the worst sub in existence has her wondering how much better life would be if he was someone else’s problem. Someone like Raif.

Raif won’t deny the lust he feels for Tyler, but he refuses to play games with a young man who’s questioning his sexuality
he wont be an experimental phase for an unruly submissive. But when Laura draws him into a plan to remove Tyler from her poly relationship with Chicklet, his protective instincts take over. He partners with Chicklet to protect Tyler and dig deeper into the reasons behind Lauras scheming. Chicklet clearly loves her boy, she wont let him go. And before long, Raif realizes neither can he.

Blindsided by the discord in her household, Chicklet struggles to fulfill her subs’ needs as their careers throw challenges at them all. Control is slipping from her hands, but with Raif by her side, she prays her relationships can be saved. Salvaging the future means rebuilding with a new foundation. But the only way to make the base solid is for them all to work together. And with all the secrecy and lies, she has no idea where to start.

Author’s Note: The Cobras series has a continuing arc about the franchise, players, and previous relationships. Some plots continue through the series and may involve more than the main ménage. The series is best read in order.


Dartmouth cobras

Tyler inhaled to replace all the air he’d let out in the rush of words. Then he tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth. "And Raif… I don’t know how I feel about him. And I blame you guys."

"I blame us too," Scott held up the bottle in cheers before tipping it to his lips. After he swallowed, he held the bottle with both hands and grinned at Tyler. "We’ve corrupted you. You see how good we’ve got it, just loving who we love, not giving a shit what anyone thinks."

Luke rolled his eyes and bumped Tyler’s knee with his fist. "It’s the drunk voice of reason. Listen up."
Tyler shook his head. "But that’s it. I’m not like you guys. I’ve never tried anything with anever wanted to…" He groaned when Scott and Luke just stared at him, waiting. "Hes a boy!"

"Raif’s a man, Tyler. And you’re a man. And you don’t think men should do stuff." Luke sighed. "You don’t know what you’re missing."

"And the last person you should be starting with is Raif." Scott’s tone grew bitter as he glared at the wall. "I don’t trust him."

"Me neither." Luke’s lips twisted like he was thinking hard. "We started angel boy’s corruption. We should finish it."

Ha! Like I can get any worse. Tyler hung his head, remembering how mad he’d made Chicklet. Well, maybe not mad. Disappointed. And not because he’d played after getting hurt, but because he’d made a decision and then acted like he couldn’t take two steps without her waving pom-poms at him.

Laura was Chicklet’s slave and she needed Chicklet taking away all her choices when she wasn’t at work. From the clothes she wore to what she ate. He and Chicklet had talked once about whether he needed something like that and the answer had been a great big "No."

He didn’t want to be a slave and he wasn’t a kid. Maybe that’s what he could do to make Chicklet proud of him.

Prove it.

He looked at Scott, then shook his head. "Scott’s having enough trouble with Raif and Pearce. He can’t be finishing anything."

"I agree." Luke’s eyes drifted shut and his lips slanted in a sleepy smile. "Guess I gotta do it."

Might as well just go for it. Tyler wet his lips with his tongue and leaned over Luke. Took a deep breath and tried to hear Chicklet’s voice. But that was the problem, wasn’t it? He wouldn’t prove nothin’ by asking her what he should do, even if it was in his own damn head. She encouraged him to try new things. The way their relationship was set up, he had a green light for just about anything. So long as it didn’t change how he served her.

And this wouldn’t. This would just…just clear things up.

He moved so fast his lips slammed down on Luke’s. Hurt a bit. Then a lot more when Luke shoved him off and his back hit the pavement.

"What the fuck, Tyler?" Luke’s tone was sharp. He slapped his hand on the center of Tyler’s chest before Tyler could sit up. Cocked his head as Tyler gaped up at him. A devious smile spread across his lips. "If you’re gonna kiss me, wanna make it less like a punch in the mouth?"

"Uh…sorry?" Tyler couldn’t tell whether or not Luke was pissed about the kiss. He didn’t look it. Actually, he looked a little scary. Tyler swallowed. "But I did it and, umm, didn’t do anything for me. I don’t like dudes."

That had both Scott and Luke laughing like freakin’ morons. He tried to push Luke off him. Dropped his head back and sighed heavily when Luke wouldn’t budge.

Luke raked his fingers into Tyler’s curls, bending down, his eyes hooded. "If I didn’t know one kiss would make you think you were in love with my man, I’d ask Seb to do this. Tomorrow, we’ll both agree we were drunk and did some stupid shit. We’re just friends, right?"
"Right." Tyler shivered, something about the way Luke held him, the way he spokeif they were both wolves in a pack, Luke wouldn’t be the biggest or the strongest, but Tyler would be beneath him. And he could either bare his throat in submission or have it ripped out.

"Relax, kid. I ain’t gonna hurt you." Luke traced Tyler’s bottom lip with his tongue. The liquor on his breath made Tyler’s head spin. He opened his mouth to the kiss, shaking hard as Luke’s tongue touched his, not sure whether he wanted more but pretty damn sure he didn’t want to stop.

Author Bio

Bianca Sommerland
Tell you about me? Hmm, well there's not much to say. I love hockey and cars and my kids…not in that order of course! Lol! When I'm not writingwhich isn't oftenI'm usually watching a game or a car show while working on promo. Going out with my kids is my only down time. I get to clear my head and forget everything.

As for when and why I first started writing, I guess I thought I'd get extra cookies if I was quiet for awhilethat's how young I was. I used to bring my grandmother barely legible pages filled with tales of evil unicorns. She told me then that I would be a famous author.

I hope one day to prove her right.


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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hiding Away by J.M. Witt Review, Giveaway, excerpt and more!

My Review:
**I was given a free copy in  exchange for an honest review**
So I really liked the story line and the characters of this book. Jane and Cal are beautiful. Cal is freaking beautiful. A mans man. Jane has been through so much and as much as you wish she would open up sooner you understand where she is coming from.
The end did leave me a little confused. I won't spoil it for you, but I will say its a cliffhanger. I want to know more about Jane!
 4 out of 5 stars

Title: Hiding Away

Series: Anchored Hearts 1.5

Author: J.M. Witt

Who do you trust, and who do you love, when the secrets of your past are so painful that they have you Hiding Away?

Jane Whitford had everything she ever wanted, at the tip of her fingers, when it was violently ripped away. The man who was supposed to love her turned into a monster. Broken and bruised, she fled his clutches back to her hometown, ready to rebuild her life and her career. Love is the last thing she wants when she meets Cal. The only thing on her mind, when it comes to him, is fun. Lots of it. Will she open her heart to him before it's too late?

Calvin Charles is a cop on the streets, working hard to achieve his goal of joining the SWAT team. He strives to live with no regrets and has everything he needs; friends, family, and the occasional woman to warm his bed. Until he meets Jane, and she quickly becomes everything he wants. Will he be able to get her to open up when she’s convinced that exposing her secrets will cost her his love and respect?

Will his love be strong enough to survive? Or will her secrets be the death of him?

J.M. Witt

I’m a stay-at-home mom with four young children and one extremely supportive husband. We've been married for nine years and reside in Highland, Michigan.

I've dreamed of writing romance novels since I was little. After having baby #4, who may or may not have been fathered by Christian Grey, I decided it was time to pursue my dreams.

When I'm not volunteering at the schools of my children, running to various appointments, enjoying time with my friends and my book club, dating my husband, or avoiding cleaning my house, I'm writing!

I love music and believe that books and music can't exist without the other. My goal is for you to read more than a good book, but for you to have an experience!

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